The firm represented the prime contractor in a dispute with an electrical subcontractor over the performance of work on a special operations facility for the United States Military involving $12 million in claims.
Default determined. Swift action taken.
The firm assisted in the investigation of the subcontractor’s performance and improper workmanship — including the subcontractor’s responsibility for project delay —and determined the subcontractor was in default of its subcontract obligations. The subcontractor was terminated, which allowed the firm’s client to finish the project efficiently and avoid potential liability to the project owner for significant delay damages.
The subcontractor filed suit in federal court against the firm’s client for wrongful termination.
Money saved. Time saved, too.
Armed with the details obtained through our investigation of the subcontractor, the firm negotiated a settlement of the case for less than 50 percent of the estimated cost to defend. This allowed the client to smoothly close out the project and avoid an anticipated two years of litigation and devotion of personnel costs and involvement.
Counsel: Jeffrey B. Baird and Daniel P. Scholz