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FTB News, Congratulations, Jamie Kobayashi

Firm Welcomes New Attorney, James (Jamie) Kobayashi

SAN DIEGO — The construction industry law firm of Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP is pleased to announce the addition of a new attorney: James (Jamie) Kobayashi! Jamie successfully completed the 2023 California Bar Examination.

James Kobayashi, ESQ.

Jamie practices in the business and commercial litigation department and focuses on claims and disputes; local agency, municipal, and state contracts; federal procurement and claims; prime contracts and subcontracts; real estate, and more. Jamie received his undergrad in Marketing from LMU in 2017, which he spent three years working in that field. He received his juris doctor in 2023 from the Boston College Law School, and was also a judicial intern for the Superior Court of California – County of Orange.


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